A Conversation – Micro Brief; Recording a conversation about a magazine article

For our first task for our brief ‘A Conversation’ we were instructed to buy a newspaper  which was current to the date and record a 3minute 30 conversation between 1-3 people talking about a chosen article. I chose an article entitled ‘Asbo broken in just 24hrs’, which appeared in the Daily Mirror on the 24th September 2014. I completed this task with my peer Ruth Willis, and we used my iphone to record our voices. Here is a transcription of the conversation:


A Conversation

Date: 24th September 2014
Title of Article: Asbo Broken in just 24 Hours – Daily Mirror
People taking part: Lauren Winstanley and Ruth Willis

Lauren: “Let me just like, put some mayo on my plate…it’s started recording! Okay…a woman, who was given an asbo for making 160 time-wasting 999 calls did it again 24 hours later…why…”
Lauren: “Erm…because she’s really lonely?”


Me: *Laughs*

Ruth: “So she could just be like ‘I really like a man in uniform can you send someone over to my house? …Right now?’”

Lauren: “It would be like a strip-o-gram! That’s stupid, like why would you waste your time doing that? Like-”

Ruth: “Strip-o-gram”

Lauren: “Yeah strip-o-gram *laughs*”


Ruth: “Seriously you’ve got a police officer coming to your door like ‘knock knock knock’ and ‘you rang?’”


Lauren: “Why don’t you just call a strip-o-gram then?”

Ruth: “Erm…because they might not have the proper uniform? Like if you want a police man then you want the full on hard stuff…like full on handcuffs and tazer gun, it could work”


Lauren: “It could work, yeah!”

Ruth: “Have you ever talked yourself out of a speeding ticket?”

Lauren: “No”


Ruth: “Me neither but it sounds like something I want to do”


Lauren. “I’ve been at a party, like, the police showed up and I looked really high because I had really red eyes when in theory my contact lenses were just really dry *laughs*”

Ruth: “Awh I hate that”

Lauren: “Yeah…and I looked really high so I was trying to hide myself from the police incase they thought I was on drugs and I was not…to the recording I WAS NOT”

Ruth: “Over the summer holidays I got pulled by the police for ‘reckless driving’…I’d just finished a night shift, and it was like, 5am in the morning, I was like 5 minutes away from home like I could see my house and the police pulled me over, it took them 45 minutes before they breathalized me because apparantly I had an ‘attitude problem’”


Lauren: “Really?”

Ruth: “And I was like: “I’m 5 minutes away from home, i’ve just finished a 16 hour shift, I wanna just, like go to bed and they were like: “Oh I don’t like your attitude blah blah blah blah blah”. It’s just like, really?…REALLY?…I just couldn’t handle it”


Lauren: *Reading article* “Oh wait hang on, she claimed to be ill to get morphine…oh!”

Ruth: “Oh that one I can understand”

Lauren: “What…oh, because you’re on drugs *laughs”

Ruth: “No, morphine withdrawl is absolutely horrible, you spend like 90% of your time puking your guts up, and the rest of it just craving it so much”

Lauren: “I hope this was from hospital?”

Ruth: “Yeah it was! *laughs*

Lauren: “You were just like in the street somewhere…you know…having a-”

Ruth: “Yeah totes! I’m like, such a badass-”

Lauren: “Getting your morphine on”


Ruth: “Such a badass you know, my parents are vicars and I’m just there like…the total opposite”

Lauren: *Reading article* “A magistrate in south Wales said that each blue light call cost 1000 pounds”


Ruth: “Whoa whoa whoa, it would happen in South Wales”

Lauren: *laughs*

Ruth: “News stories like this only ever happen in Wales, on the grounds of the fact that they’re Welsh. On the plus side at least it’s not a news story on sheep”

Lauren: “Yeah I suppose…that’s a bit racist of the Welsh!”

Ruth: “I’m half welsh, i’m allowed to say this”


Lauren: “I didn’t know you were half Welsh”
Ruth: “Yeah, mums Welsh”

Lauren: “Oh…*Laughs*

Ruth: “But seriously right, at least she hasn’t broken her asbo by calling to say that her sheep needs morphine…”

Lauren: *Reading article* “She’s been given a six week sentence after admitting breaching her asbo…I didn’t know you could-”

Ruth” :” I wonder how old she was”

Lauren: “43…but I didn’t know you could get an asbo at 43, I thought that was just like teenager stuff”

Ruth: “I can undertand it though, becase we’ve never really had asbo’s for old people”

Lauren:”No…sorry i’m nicking all your chips”

Ruth: “Stop stealing my chips!”

Lauren: “We are not in Rhubarb doing this now *Laughs*”

Ruth: “On the plus side i’ve got a pint to go with it. Have you ever dunked chips in guinness?”

Lauren: “No! *Laughs*”

Ruth: “It’s beautiful, you know like in McDonalds you’re meant to dunk your chips in your milkshake-”

Lauren: “I love how we’re talking about asbo’s broken in just 24 hours and it’s gone on to you dunking your chips in your Guinness *laughs*”

Ruth: “Seriously try it! I’m being serious…try it”

Lauren: “Okay okay…”

Ruth: “Go on, go on just dunk it! …Now eat it…go on, what do you think?”

Lauren: “Disgusting!”

Ruth: “Aww it’s beautiful!”

Lauren: “Aww no…”

Ruth: “Don’t be daft, it’s absolutely beautiful”

Lauren: “…stop…stop…stop…STOP! 3 minutes 30 is up!”

I think that the purpose of this task was to understand different peoples reactions to a situation and how it can form a conversation, as well as how the conversation develops as the different topics extend. It describes how conversations consist of tangents stemmed by each topics, and a conversation can tell a lot about a relationship between groups of people.

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