Project 2060 – Imaginary Projects that a designer may engage with in my future world

For our next task we were asked to consider projects which we may have to undertake in 2060, abiding towards the changes of the world and listing the skills, understanding and anything needed for the designer to successfully operate.

I imagine the future world to be struggling with population growth and therefore problems with resources. It is something that is reminiscent of the World Wars where food was rationed, and this is causing conflict between societies. 

Here are some possible scenarios that designers may have to consider to tackle/deal with this problem:

Promotion of food rationing

Designers may have to consider making the food rationing system look more appealing to the population as it will be a growing problem. There may be ways in which they have to promote users to grow their own crops in order to survive.

The building of controlled farming areas

Designers may have to take an architectural route in the future by designing future buildings and areas to control self grown farming. The areas would be controlled for the best growing conditions to fight against the changes in weather, as global warming and deforestation may cause problems with oxygen and bad weather. Designers could design the building and how it functions, as well as promotional material for the process and also job advertisements.

Anti – war propaganda

The loss of food may cause fighting among populations and eventually break out in war, therefore designers could help create promotional materials to stop fighting and consider the needs of others. Encouraging people to help out and control their food intake could be really helpful towards the development of modern society.

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