Huddersfield Rebrand – Introduction to the Brief

For the next 5 weeks we have been given the rebranding brief; in which we will revive a potentially dying business in Huddersfield. Branding is key in marketing as it is how companies make a popular and well known name, as well as being able to sell their produce.

We must select a company whilst walking round Huddersfield that we feel could do with a complete rebrand. Once we have chosen our company we must then conduct research into the company, the competition and the target market, and also research branding opportunities and outcomes.

We will create 3-5 outcomes for our company which relate to the genre, which we will present within our project and attempt to make. I am excited to start this project as branding is something that I definitely want to persue in the future and I also feel that it could benefit the company.

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