Experimental typeface

Extending from the typography workshops I decided to create my own typeface, which I constructed as a drawn piece using individual objects. I completed the drawing using a 0.1 fineliner and pencil to sketch the shape of the letter. This type is intended to be a display text which I drew to practice and experiment with drawing.

YCN Student Awards J20 – Developed Bottle Designs


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After choosing my favourite initial design for the bottle and packaging design, I decided to develop the ideas for the bottle by researching different patterns. I am focusing towards the idea of diversity and differences in friendship groups, in which a different personality of person may choose a different design that they like. I only decided to draw the bottle designs, as once I know my favoured bottle designs I can then match the packaging to this. The packaging follows the same design as the bottle therefore it would not be difficult to match. I will now create my favored designs in Illustrator.

Typography Session 1 – Introduction and creating our type


For our first Wednesday tutorial session of Nick’s we studied typography and unusual lettering, and were instructed to create our own 16 character quote that we could draw letters for. We were given a grid of 16 boxes in which to construct our text. I started my work by initially drawing out samples of font styles for each letter, using pencils, a ruler and fineliner pens varying in thickness. I now plan to extend this type work by choosing my favourite typefaces and hand-drawing quotes to match.

Design Practice 1 – Earth Artifact – Art pieces I have created for my project







These are pieces I have created as part of my Earth Artifact project, that I may include in my final design. The first I created using my Instax Polaroid camera when taking pictures of nature.

The second piece I created when studying mathmatical symbolism, and I thought it would be creative to use them in creating a grahical and eyecatching piece. I used fineliner pens varying in thickness to draw this. 

The third piece I created using leaves I found when taking pictures. I think that leaves describe nature of the world very well, as it shows both the grow and decay, which is what the worlds spieces do. To draw the leaves I used a brown-papered notebook and fineliner pens. I used a crosshatching technique to create shading.